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Top 4 Pergolas for Your Michigan Outdoor Living Space

June 6th, 2024 | 4 min read

By Christine Gauthier

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As summer arrives in Michigan, thoughts turn to outdoor living and enjoying the sunshine. But as you plan for those lazy days and outdoor gatherings, it's essential to consider how your outdoor space will weather Michigan's unpredictable climate.

Considering adding a pergola to your outdoor oasis? You're in the right place.

At Custom Built, we've dedicated decades to helping homeowners like you create outdoor havens perfect for relaxation and entertainment. We understand the importance of selecting a pergola that can withstand Michigan's diverse weather while enhancing your outdoor experience.

In this article, you’ll learn more about the top pergolas for your Michigan outdoor living space:

  1. Traditional Wood Pergola
  2. Modern Metal Pergola
  3. Rustic Cedar Pergola
  4. Vinyl Pergola

1. Traditional Wood Pergola

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A timeless favorite, the traditional wood pergola, comprised of pressure-treated lumber, adds rustic charm to any outdoor setting.

While it doesn't have a roof, it serves as a shade structure, offering relief from the sun's rays. However, it's essential to note that Michigan's unpredictable weather, from rain to snow and extreme temperature fluctuations, can take a toll on wood pergolas.

Despite these challenges, the design aesthetic of a wood pergola can be tailored to suit your preferences, making it a popular choice among homeowners seeking a classic look.


  • Classic and timeless aesthetic
  • Can be customized to suit personal preferences
  • Natural material blends well with outdoor surroundings


  • Susceptible to weather damage, including rot and decay
  • Requires regular maintenance such as staining or sealing
  • Limited shade coverage due to open design

2. Modern Metal Pergola

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For those with a taste for contemporary design, a modern metal pergola offers sleek sophistication to outdoor spaces. While metal pergolas may come with a higher price tag, their premium materials ensure durability and longevity.

Additionally, features such as crank-operated louvers can provide control over sunlight and potential rain protection. This option is ideal for homeowners looking to make a statement with their outdoor living area while enjoying the benefits of a low-maintenance structure.


  • Sleek and contemporary design
  • Durable and long-lasting materials
  • Adjustable louvers for controlling sunlight and rain protection


  • Metal materials can become hot to the touch in direct sunlight, limiting usability during peak summer months
  • Metal may be prone to rust or corrosion over time, especially in humid or coastal environments
  • Installation may require specialized tools and expertise, potentially increasing labor costs

3. Rustic Cedar Pergola

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Crafted from durable cedar wood, the rustic cedar pergola combines natural beauty with resilience against the elements. Like composite decking in durability, cedar's resistance to rot and insects makes it a preferred choice for outdoor structures in Michigan.

Over time, cedar wood develops a charming gray patina, adding to its rustic appeal. You can further customize your pergola by staining the wood to achieve a vibrant hue or embracing its natural aging process. Whether you prefer a timeless aesthetic or a touch of vintage charm, the rustic cedar pergola offers versatility and longevity.


  • Natural resistance to rot, decay, and insects
  • Ages gracefully with a charming gray patina
  • Can be stained or painted to achieve the desired aesthetic
  • Resistant to insects, which avoids damage or disruption


  • Cedar lumber is a premium option, costing more than many of its competitors
  • Cedar's natural beauty may fade over time without proper maintenance, detracting from the aesthetic appeal

4. Vinyl Pergola

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PC: Green Acres Outdoor Living

For a hassle-free option that seamlessly integrates with your home's exterior, consider a vinyl pergola. Made to mimic the appearance of traditional wood, vinyl pergolas offer the added benefit of zero maintenance.

With the majority of Lansing homeowners opting for vinyl siding, a vinyl pergola complements the aesthetic of modern homes while providing enduring beauty. While some may perceive vinyl pergolas as a more budget-friendly option, their durability and ease of care make them a practical choice for Michigan's climate.


  • Low maintenance and easy-to-clean
  • Resistant to rot, decay, and insects
  • Does not require painting or staining


  • Limited design flexibility compared to other materials, may not suit all architectural styles or preferences
  • Vinyl can become brittle in extreme cold temperatures, increasing the risk of cracking or breakage
  • Over time, vinyl may discolor or yellow with prolonged exposure to sunlight, affecting the appearance

An Alternative Option: Screened Porch with Roof

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For Michigan homeowners looking to enjoy the outdoors without the nuisance of mosquitoes, a screened porch with a roof provides the perfect solution. Combining the benefits of a traditional porch with added protection from insects, this option offers year-round comfort and enjoyment.

Whether savoring summer evenings or cozying up on brisk fall days, a screened porch with a roof allows you to make the most of Michigan's outdoor beauty without the bother of bugs.


  • Provides protection from insects and pests
  • Offers shelter from sun, rain, and wind
  • Creates a comfortable outdoor living space year-round


  • Screened porch enclosures may obstruct views and airflow, reducing the feeling of openness compared to open pergola designs
  • Regular maintenance of screens and roof materials is necessary to prevent damage and ensure functionality

Next Steps to Remodeling Your Outdoor Living Space

Now that you've explored the various pergola options for your Michigan outdoor living space, it's essential to remember that each choice offers unique benefits and considerations.

Whether you're drawn to the timeless appeal of a traditional wood pergola, the sleek modernity of a metal design, or the rustic charm of cedar, there's a pergola to suit every aesthetic preference and practical need.

If you're ready to bring your pergola vision to life, our team at Custom Built is here to help. With decades of experience in crafting outdoor spaces tailored to our clients' needs, we're committed to delivering exceptional craftsmanship and customer service. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to schedule a consultation and begin the journey towards your dream outdoor oasis. Your perfect pergola awaits!

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Now that you know popular pergolas for your Michigan yard, let’s explore the qualities of a reliable landscaping company, how much composite decks cost, and the projects that can increase the resale value of your home:

Christine Gauthier